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Best diet for puppies?

Best diet for puppies?

For puppy parents, understanding the best diet for their pooch can be daunting. From dry food to wet food to raw diets, there are so many dietary choices in the pet space these days - but what’s right for your pup? 

Fortunately, Betty & Butch have you covered! With the highest quality free-range dog food and treats, we can help find a nutritional diet that is tailored for puppies of all sizes and ages. In this blog post we'll discuss what vitamins puppies need in their diet, which ingredients are beneficial and why it's important to understand your pup's nutritional needs.


Puppy Diets

To fully comprehend a puppy's diet, it's important to understand the nutritional requirements specific to their life stage. Puppies require a balanced diet high in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals to support their rapid growth and development. 

Unlike adult dogs, puppies have faster metabolisms, smaller stomachs, and less mature immune systems, making it vital to provide them with a nutrient-dense diet that promotes healthy growth. 

Depending on their breed and size, puppies will have varying needs, which means it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best diet plan for your furry friend. By implementing a proper diet early on, you can ensure your puppy's lifelong health and happiness.


More on a Puppy Diet

Puppies are little balls of energy, always bouncing around and playing. It is important to have a balanced diet to support their growth and development. A puppy's diet should consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, all in the right amounts. 

Proteins are vital for building and repairing muscle tissue. Carbohydrates provide energy for exercise and playtime. Fats are necessary for proper brain development and a shiny coat. Vitamins aid in metabolism and promote a healthy immune system. 

Minerals are responsible for strong bones and teeth. Together, these components work together to ensure that a puppy is healthy, happy, and getting all the nutrients they need to thrive.


The benefits of feeding your pup natural dog food from Betty & Butch

Your furry companion deserves the best, and that includes natural dog food from Betty & Butch. Not only does their food contain high-quality ingredients that provide complete and balanced nutrition, but it also helps support healthy digestion and a shiny coat. 

By feeding your pup natural dog food, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're providing them with wholesome meals that are free from artificial preservatives, colours, and flavours. 

Additionally, Betty & Butch offers a variety of flavours and recipes to cater to your pup's unique taste preferences and dietary needs. Give your furry friend the gift of good health with natural dog food from Betty & Butch.


The importance of consistent feeding habits for puppies and how to create a schedule that works for them

Puppies are adorable, but they require consistent care to grow up healthy and strong. One of the most vital aspects of puppy care is establishing a consistent feeding schedule. This ensures that your pup gets the nutrition they need and also helps with potty training. 

The first step in creating a feeding schedule is to decide how many times a day your puppy needs to eat. Generally, puppies need to eat three to four times a day until they are six months old and twice a day thereafter. 

Creating a schedule that works for both you and your puppy is crucial, so try to establish times when you can dedicate a few minutes to feeding and monitoring your furry friend. Remember to provide fresh water throughout the day and offer healthy treats in moderation. 

By taking the time to establish a consistent feeding schedule, you'll be providing your puppy with the foundation they need for a happy and healthy life.

Tips on how to introduce new foods to your pup and when they should start eating solid food

Welcoming a new pup into your home brings with it a world of joy and responsibility. When it comes to their growth and development, nutrition takes centre stage. The big question is, how do you introduce new foods to your pup? 

Starting solid foods is a critical milestone in a puppy's life. To ensure a fuss-free transition, you should consider introducing solids around the four-week mark. Homemade, nutrient-dense purees and kibble soaked in water make for great starter options. It's natural for puppies to take a little while to adapt to new flavours, so give them time and be patient. 

Keep in mind that sudden changes in diet can upset their tummies, leading to digestive issues and discomfort. With patience, perseverance, and the right approach, you'll help your pup develop a healthy appetite and be on track for a healthy, happy life.

What to look out for when choosing deli treats for your pup - ingredients, daily caloric intake and portion control.


As dog owners, we always want to give the best treats to our furry friends. However, it's important to be cautious on what we choose to feed them, especially at the deli. The first thing to consider is the ingredients.

 Look out for any allergens or ingredients that can be harmful to dogs such as garlic, onion, or chocolate. Next, think about your pup's daily caloric intake. Giving too many treats can add up quickly, leading to weight gain and potential health problems. 

Finally, portion control is crucial. Giving the right amount of treats can prevent overfeeding and ensure a balanced diet. By keeping these factors in mind, you can give your pup delicious and healthy deli treats.


Feeding your pup is more than just providing fuel and energy – it’s providing them the vital nutrients they need to develop into strong, healthy dogs. Free from food additives, hormones and fillers, Betty & Butch’s natural dog food helps promote your pup's optimal growth, giving them every chance to thrive. 

With an appropriate balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats as well as vitamins and minerals, their deli treats provide the perfect selection of snacks for those moments you want to show your pup some extra love. Make sure to introduce new foods at an age-appropriate time so your puppy can get used to different tastes and textures. 

Also pay attention to portion control when serving them deli treats as it’s very easy for pups to overindulge. With these guidelines in mind, you can embark on this journey with great support from Betty & Butch who will continue to be with you on your pup-raising adventure!


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Puppy Feeding Schedule

Puppy Feeding Schedule

If you’ve recently become a dog parent, congratulations! It's one of the most rewarding experiences ever – and also one that requires lots of planning. One essential task is working out how to feed your puppy: what type of food is best for them, how much should you give them and when? 

With all these questions in mind it can be overwhelming so here at Betty & Butch we are passionate about helping new puppy parents with this tricky topic. Here’s an introduction to our puppy feeding schedule guide as well as some general tips and advice which will keep your pup happy and healthy in the long run!


How proper nutrition is important for a growing puppy

As a dog owner, it's important to know that proper nutrition is essential for a growing puppy. Just like human babies, puppies need a well-balanced diet to thrive and develop properly. 

Providing your furry friend with the right nutrients can help support their immune system, bone growth, and cognitive development. In addition to feeding them high-quality puppy food, it's also important to watch their portion sizes and avoid giving them too many treats or human food. 

With the right nutrition, your puppy will be able to grow strong and healthy, setting them up for a happy and long life by your side.


Benefits of feeding your puppy twice a day

Feeding your puppy twice a day can have numerous benefits for their health and overall well-being. By splitting up their daily portion into two meals, you can help regulate their blood sugar levels and maintain a consistent energy level. 

This can be especially important for high-energy breeds who may experience crashes or dips in energy if they go too long without food. Additionally, feeding your puppy twice a day can help prevent overeating and aid in their digestion. It also allows for the opportunity to closely monitor their food intake and ensure they are receiving the proper amount of nutrients. 

So, if you want to provide the best possible care for your growing pup, consider feeding them twice a day to promote healthy habits and optimal health.


Steps to create a puppy feeding schedule

Welcoming a new puppy into your home can be an exciting time, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the essential tasks you'll need to tackle is creating a feeding schedule for your furry friend. 

Establishing a routine from an early age will help your pup maintain healthy eating habits and keep their digestive system in good shape. To begin, determine how much food your pup needs based on their age, weight, and activity level. Next, decide how many meals you'll feed them each day and what time(s) those meals will be. It's also important to consider any dietary restrictions or recommendations from your veterinarian. 

With a little planning and consistency, you'll be able to create a nourishing feeding schedule that keeps your puppy happy and healthy.


Determine how much to feed and portion size

Feeding our dogs can be tricky, but it's important to determine the right amount. Portion size is one of the most important factors, as it can affect our dogs’ weight and overall health. To determine how much to feed your dog, consider their age, weight, activity level, and any health concerns they may have. 

Some dogs may need more food than others, while others may need to watch their calorie intake. It's a good idea to consult with your vet to ensure you're giving your dog the right amount of food. Remember, overfeeding your furry friend may lead to obesity and other health issues, while underfeeding can leave them feeling hungry and malnourished. 

With the right portion size, you can make sure your dog is happy, healthy, and satisfied.


Tips on feeding your puppy the right amount of food and a variety of treats

Feeding your new furry friend can be an exciting experience, but it's important to make sure you're providing the right amount of food and treats. While it may be tempting to spoil them with an endless supply of treats, it's crucial to keep in mind the necessary balance of nutrition. 

A great way to start is by consulting with your vet to determine an appropriate feeding schedule and recommended types of treats. As puppies grow, their dietary requirements will change, so it's essential to regularly adjust their meals and snacks accordingly. It's also important to ensure that any treats given are appropriate for their age and size, as some treats may pose a choking hazard. 

With patience and attention to detail, you can provide your puppy with a healthy and satisfying diet that will support their growth and development for years to come.


How to transition from puppy food to adult dog food

As our furry friends grow older, their nutritional needs change too. It's important to start transitioning your puppy to adult dog food when they reach the age of one because they require different levels of nutrients. 

The transition should be gradual and take around seven days, starting with 75% puppy food and 25% adult food and gradually increasing the amount of adult food each day. Make sure to monitor your dog's weight during this transition period and adjust the feeding amount accordingly. 

Introducing adult food slowly will reduce the risk of gastrointestinal upset such as diarrhoea and vomiting. With patience, persistence, and careful monitoring, the transition from puppy food to adult dog food should be a smooth one.


Healthy ways to reward your pup with treats without overfeeding them

As a dog owner, it's hard not to spoil our furry companions with an endless supply of treats. However, overfeeding our dogs can result in obesity and other health issues. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy ways to reward your pup without going overboard on the treats. 

One great option is to use fruits and vegetables as treats. Carrots, apples, and blueberries are all low-calorie options that dogs love. Another option is to use small pieces of your dog's regular kibble as a treat. 

Not only is this a healthy option, but it also reinforces positive behaviour and makes mealtime more exciting for your pup. With these ideas in mind, you can reward your dog with treats without sacrificing their health.


Betty & Butch’s mission is to help puppy parents provide the best nutrition and care for their furry friends. When it comes to feeding your pup, it’s important to have a diet plan that will keep them healthy and energised with nutritious food. 

It can always feel overwhelming when you consider all the factors involved but having a routine meal schedule helps make sure that your pup gets enough nutrients and stays steady throughout their growth stages. Using age-appropriate dog food, monitoring portion sizes, scheduling regular meals and offering a variety of treats are key steps towards successful puppy feeding habits. 

While preparing food for your puppy may take some extra effort, the reward of watching them thrive on proper nutrition makes it all worth it in the end!


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Why Isn’t My Puppy Eating and What Can I Do About It?

Why Isn’t My Puppy Eating and What Can I Do About It?

It can be incredibly worrying when your beloved puppy isn't showing their usual enthusiasm towards mealtime. Whether they’re eating less than usual, refusing food completely or displaying unusual behaviour around meals – it's important to understand why this is happening and work out a solution together with Betty & Butch at Manchester’s finest dog store.

From premium deli treats to natural dog food, no matter what you need for your pup – we have all the essentials right here! Let us help unlock the mystery of why your puppy won't eat so that mealtimes are as enjoyable as ever again.

Identify the Problem

As a puppy owner, it's worrying when your furry friend starts to refuse food. However, it's important to identify whether this is just a picky phase or if there could be a medical issue at play.

Some possible physical conditions that could cause your puppy to avoid meals include dental problems, gastrointestinal issues, or even parasites. In order to identify the root cause of your puppy's hunger strike, it's important to observe their behavior, schedule a vet visit, and potentially adjust their diet accordingly.

By taking proactive steps to identify and address the issue, you can help keep your puppy healthy and happy for years to come.

Check for Possible Medical Issues

As a new doggy parent, you want to make sure that your furry friend is healthy and happy. One of the most important steps to take is ensuring that your puppy has been examined by a veterinarian and any medical issues have been addressed.

While your new pup may seem fine, it's important to remember that puppies, like babies, require special care and attention. They may not be able to tell you what's wrong, so it's up to you to be proactive when it comes to their health.

By taking your puppy for regular veterinary check-ups and addressing any medical issues as they arise, you can enjoy many happy years together.

Evaluate Diet Options

As dog owners, we only want the best for our furry friends. That includes choosing the right diet for their overall health and well-being. There are numerous options on the market today, including premium deli treats and natural dog food.

These alternatives offer a healthier approach to feeding our pets, with fewer additives and more natural ingredients. While commercially-made products may seem convenient, they often come at the cost of quality.

By considering these healthier options, pet owners can ensure their pets receive the best possible nutrition for a happier, healthier life.


Create a Routine

As a puppy owner, establishing a routine for your furry friend is crucial. When it comes to meal times, you may want to consider syncing them with potty breaks and other activities.

This not only helps ensure your pup is getting the necessary nutrients they need throughout the day, but also promotes structure and consistency. Plus, having set meal times can make training and housebreaking easier.

On top of that, incorporating playtime and exercise into your dog's routine can help keep them mentally and physically stimulated, leading to a happier, healthier pup overall. With a little effort and planning, creating a routine for your furry friend can make a world of difference.

Monitor Intake

As a responsible puppy parent, monitoring your furry friend's food intake is essential. Keeping a track of how much they consume and observing any changes in their appetite or behaviour can provide valuable insights into their health and well-being.

It can help you identify any underlying medical conditions at an early stage and prevent several health problems that could arise due to overfeeding or malnutrition.

Moreover, monitoring your puppy's food intake can also help you adjust their diet as they grow and evolve, ensuring they have all the necessary nutrients to thrive. Remember, a healthy and happy puppy begins with taking good care of their diet.

Provide Rewards and Stimulation

Sometimes getting your pet to eat and exercise can be a challenge, especially when it's so much easier for them to curl up and sleep. But with the right positive reinforcement, you can make healthy habits a fun and rewarding part of your dog's day.

Maybe your dog loves nothing more than chasing a tennis ball, or your cat goes wild for a new toy filled with catnip. By using treats or toys that your pet loves as rewards for good behaviour, you can encourage them to keep up with healthy habits like eating well and getting enough exercise.

Not only will your pet be happier and healthier, but you'll get to enjoy more playtime and snuggles, too!

Shop Natural Puppy Food

With proper care and consideration, you can help your puppy get on the path to a healthy diet. By addressing any medical issues, evaluating dietary options, creating a routine, monitoring intake, and providing rewards and stimulation – you can ensure that your pup is nourished and content.

Just remember that it takes time – so be patient as your puppy navigates this journey with you! At Betty & Butch we love helping all types of dogs achieve their full dietary potential – so if you’re ever in doubt about what you should feed your pup or have any other questions about caring for them, please don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can provide the best possible advice.

Remember that when it comes to our furry friends, providing adequate nutrition is our top priority!

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Choosing the Right Food for your Puppy

Choosing the Right Food for your Puppy

Puppies are cute, cuddly and full of energy. But they also have special dietary needs that adult dogs don't have. 

That's why it's important to choose the right food for your puppy. In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to find the best food for your furry friend.

Do Your Puppy Food Research

When it comes to choosing the right food for your puppy, you want to make sure you do your research. 

Different breeds and sizes of puppies have different nutritional needs, so it's important to understand what—and how much—your pup should be eating. 

You should also be aware of any potential allergens present in the food, as well as ingredients that are not recommended for growing puppies. 

Do a bit of digging around, consult with your vet and read up on information from other sources to find the best food for them!

Here at Betty and Butch we offer a range of healthy puppy food, perfect for your furry loved one! You can view our full range of puppy food here:


Choosing the right food; age, activity level, and health conditions

It’s no secret that nutrition plays a major role in our health. Making smart decisions about what foods to put into our bodies is critical for maintaining physical, mental and emotional wellness. 

Choosing the right food requires several considerations: age, activity level and any existing health conditions are all important factors to consider. 

Eating the wrong types of food or too much of it can cause health issues such as obesity or nutrient deficiencies. 

It’s essential to become knowledgeable about nutrition and learn which foods are most beneficial for your body based on your individual attributes, such as age and activity level. 

Talk to your Vet for Puppy Feeding Advice

Having a new puppy is an exciting adventure and it’s important to make sure they get the best nutrition possible. 

From the right quantity and quality of food, to recommended supplements and treats, having accurate information is key to keeping your pup healthy. 

While it may be tempting to ask advice from friends or do some online research, consulting with your veterinarian is definitely the most reliable source for information when it comes to feeding schedules, nutrient requirements and any health-related questions you might have. 

In addition, they may also be aware of local resources such as pet stores that offer discounts on puppy food, helpful for those on a tight budget. 

So if you’re looking for direction in finding the best diet for your pup, your veterinarian should be your first stop.

Puppies Need a High-Quality Diet That is Rich in Nutrients and Calories

With so much energy to burn and growing bones to strengthen, puppies need a diet that is well-crafted to meet their needs. 

A high-quality diet rich in essential nutrients and calories helps make sure the puppy has all the resources it needs for optimum health. 

Special attention should be paid to the protein content of dog food as this can help support your pup’s growing muscles and provide key amino acids to assist in cognitive development. Don’t skimp on your puppy’s nutrition - proper feeding will set them up as they enter adulthood. Here are our recommendations for the perfect puppy food from the Betty and Butch range:

Natural Chicken, Turkey & Salmon Puppy Food

Natural Salmon, Haddock, Sweet Potato & Veg Puppy Food

Natural Turkey, Sweet Potato & Veg Puppy Food 

Good Puppy Food Makes a Happy, Healthy Puppy

The food you feed your puppy from the start of their life is hugely important to ensure they grow up into a healthy and happy dog. 

This is because good quality food helps to provide them with all the nutrition they need to help them grow bone, cartilage and muscle mass.

It also provides vital vitamins and minerals that are necessary for their overall well-being. 

Avoiding overfeeding is also important so that your puppy does not end up overweight in the future - getting your puppy's diet right from a young age will give them the best chance of living a long, healthy life.

When it comes to feeding your puppy, there are a lot of things to consider. Puppies need a high-quality diet that is rich in nutrients and calories, so be sure to do your research before you choose a food. 

You should consult with your veterinarian to get the best advice for feeding your puppy, and be sure to read the labels on pet food products carefully. 

Feeding your puppy the right food will help them grow into a healthy and happy dog!

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