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Phytopet Pet Col Healthy Tums & Bums Fibre Supplement


Phytopet Pet Col is for healthy tums and healthy bums 100g.

This herbal fibre supplement is gentle and non-toxic for your dog. Use regularly to maintain a healthy gut. A daily sprinkle is enough as each sprinkle is a great source of soluble fibre with the added benefit of our Pro/Pre Biotic concentrate. 

Use for:

  • loose stools
  • Constipation
  • Anal Gland support
  • IBS


Psyllium seed powder

Frutafit HD Chicory inulin

Eurocell RM10 (Sc1 1077)

Live yeast


Suggested Use:

Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to feed daily. Sprinkle over food if feeding wet or raw food. For dry feeders add 1/4 teaspoon of PetCol to 25ml of water then pour over dry food.