Do you know what food is dangerous for your dog? Here are some of what is considered toxic food to dogs so you know what to look out for. Dogs will get their paws on any food they can if they get their own way! We've all seen that soul-wrenching stare as they meet our eyes when we're trying to enjoy our dinner. And whilst we always want to give our furry friends everything that they could possible want to make them happy, some foods are toxic and will do them a lot of harm.

Yes, there are certain 'human' foods that dogs can eat in moderation however there are plenty that you will need to keep away from your pet.
Here are some toxic food to dogs that are particularly dangerous for them.
Avocados have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, it is important to keep your dog away from your avocado on toast.
There is a substance called Persin in its leaves, fruit and seed which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs.
Onions, Garlic and Chives
No matter how they are cooked, the onion family is particularly toxic to dogs and can lead to gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage.
It is important to remember that your dog may not show signs of illness after eating onions until a few days later so if you suspect that they have ingested some, keep a close eye on their behavior.
Grapes and Raisins
Raisins can be found in many of our cakes, cereal and biscuits so it's important to keep an eye out for all these things and not just the fruit itself.
It is not known which active ingredient in the raisins is dangerous to dogs however both grapes and raisins can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure.
Even in small doses, alcohol can be very dangerous for dogs. Just like in humans, it can cause intoxication in dogs.
Worryingly, it can also cause sickness, diarrhoea and even central nervous system damage.
Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that may affect your dog’s muscles and nervous system. This will show as weakness, swollen limbs and panting.
Chocolate is highly appealing for dogs - just like for us humans - but it can cause them major problems.
Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine (dark chocolate has the highest content of this) which is toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure.
It is especially important at Christmas and Easter to keep them away from any chocolate that is out.
You can read more on our blog about Why Chocolate Is Bad For Dogs.
Artificial Sweeteners
These artificial sweeteners can be found in a lot of our sweet treats, drinks and some peanut butters. It is best to check the label on your peanut butter before you give it as a treat for your dog.
Artificial sweeteners are often found in sugar-free products where they replace the removed sugar.
The sweetener called Xylitol causes an insulin release in our bodies and if your dog digests a sweetened food, they can go into hypoglycaemia which is linked to liver failure and blood clotting disorders.
Milk and Dairy
Dog's don't have lots of lactase in their bodies - the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk.
Because of this, giving them milk or other dairy products can cause them to have diarrhoea or other stomach issues.
Cooked Bones
Dogs love bones. But they have to be prepared in the right way to keep them safe to chew on.
Cooked bones become hard and dangerous for your dog to chew on. They can easily splinter, become lodged in their throat or puncture their digestive tract which can be fatal.
Giving your dogs air-dried bones - such as our Veal Bone or Deer Leg - is much safer as instead of being heat-dried (cooked) they go through a gentle drying process which means that they also retain all of their nutrients.
They remain tough and last a long time for determinant chewers whilst any bits that come away are softer and not dangerous.
How To Keep Them Safe
Keep all of these toxins away from your dog. Take particular care at Christmas and Easter to not have any chocolate hung from your Christmas Trees, boxes of chocolates on display or wrapped up chocolate presents. Your dog can still smell it and rip through the paper when you're not looking!
What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Toxic Food
If you think that your dog may have accidentally eaten, touched or inhaled one of the foods listed above, speak to your vet straight away.
You should never try to make your dog sick as this may cause other problems for your dog.